Porn star Holly Sampson says she had a one-night stand with Tiger Woods
women’. ‘She’s a strong woman, this is beyond embarrassing, and she
has a daughter and son she has to think about, who will know about this one day,’
the friend added.
The claims came as porn actress Holly Sampson revealed details of a one-night stand she claimed to have had with Woods before he was married.
The 36-year-old said Woods was ‘a talent in the bedroom’ after he picked her out of a sex show he had organised to celebrate his 24th birthday at a LA hotel. ‘It was a girl-on-girl-on-girl show. I gave Tiger a lap dance that he absolutely loved,’ said Sampson. She claims that, after the show, Woods asked to see her separately.
‘He has talent on the field and he has talent in the bedroom,’ she said.
However, she denied ever being one of his mistresses. ‘I just don’t believe in sleeping with married men,’ she said.
Sampson is now in talks with a US porn company for a film re-enacting her alleged one-night stand with the 33-year-old golfer.
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